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What’s Happening in the Real Estate Industry?

Wondering what the current real estate industry news and events are? There’s always something happening in the real estate industry, from housing markets to innovative technology. Here, we discuss some of the most important news stories and upcoming events that could affect you as a buyer or seller.

Real Estate Industry

The National Association of Realtors reported that pending home sales rose in June for the third straight month showing signs of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

After two months of decline due to stay-at-home orders, this news is a bright spot in an otherwise uncertain economic climate. The increase in pending sales highlights an increased interest among buyers. Still, it also signals that sellers are taking advantage of this demand by listing their properties.

Real estate technology is evolving rapidly, with companies offering game-changing solutions to real estate agents and brokers. Examples include virtual 3D tours, which allow potential buyers to explore homes without having to leave their own house, or AI assistants that can quickly answer customer questions about listings. 

This technology helps agents provide better service while reducing time spent answering basic queries, which can be automated.

Finally, this October marks the 20th anniversary of National Homeownership Month. This event celebrates homeownership and all those who help create and sustain vibrant communities through homeownership, such as lenders, Realtors®, title companies, local governments, and more. The event has seen considerable growth over the years. It has become a staple for many agents looking for ways to celebrate homeownership with their clients each year.


Whether you’re currently involved in a purchase or sale or just curious about what’s happening in the real estate industry, there’s always something new happening every day. 

From reports on pending sales to upcoming events celebrating homeownership, it pays to stay informed so you don’t miss out on any important news or trends affecting your buying or selling experience. With these tips in mind, you should have no trouble staying up-to-date with everything going on in the world of real estate.